Secure site
When you place your order, all the information you write in our internet store (names, addresses, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, credit card number and expiration date) is protected and important information about your card credit will be destroyed after the transaction.
We use SSL ( Secure Sockets Layers ) which is a method of securing transactions carried out via the Internet. It is based on a public key cryptography process to guarantee the security of data transmission on the Internet. Its principle is to establish a secure communication channel (encrypted) between two machines (a client and a server) after an authentication step.
When the letters "http" of the URL change to "https" the addition of the "s" indicates that you are in a secure area using SSL technology. You will be able to see this "s" when you checkout in our internet store.
For credit card transactions
We use the Shopify Payments included in our web store.